San Diego Funding Congratulates its Five Star Award Winners!

San Diego Funding congratulates Linnea Arrington and Rob Johnson who were awarded the 2024 Five Star Mortgage Award - for the 15th year in a row! 
Arrington and Johnson are among just SIX Mortgage Professionals in San Diego County to receive this prestigious award each year since its inception. "We have remained one of San Diego's top mortgage companies over the past 35 years due to our commitment to customer service and passion for helping our clients realize their dreams of homeownership. It is a true honor to be recognized by our clients for doing what we love," says Arrington.
Additionally, San Diego Funding recognizes Alexis Arrington who received the Five Star "Rising Star" Award after her first year in the industry. 
We are proud of the commitment our loan officers bring to cultivating long-term relationships with their clients and look forward to serving our community well into the future.
The Five Star Award recognizes outstanding professionals in the mortgage industry. These professionals have shown a dedication to the customers and professional excellence and represent less than seven percent of the mortgage professionals in the San Diego market. Award candidates are identified through evaluations submitted by recent homebuyers, area real estate agents, escrow, and title professionals. Self-nominations are not accepted.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.

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