Cash is King in a Competitive Market

The low supply and incredibly high demand of our Southern California housing market have made buyers' offers very competitive and have allowed sellers to be extremely selective, with all-cash offers going straight to the top!
How do you make your offer stand out?
  • Delayed Purchase. A delayed purchase enables a buyer to refinance as soon as escrow closes, allowing them to receive up to 80% of their money back in most cases. To qualify for this refinance, all of the cash needs to be their own funds and traceable. Eligible accounts include their stock account, retirement account, cash, or any other liquid asset.
  • Family Loan. A family member can lend the purchaser the cash and record a lien on the property, at the time of closing. The loan must be written using market interest rates and requiring a monthly payment. They are then eligible for a rate and term refinance immediately after closing, they must make one payment and can repay the family member.
  • Larger Down Payment. If the buyer doesn’t have the liquidity for an all-cash offer, putting a greater down payment can also make an offer stronger. Borrowing from a retirement plan is an option for these additional funds.
Always begin with a pre-approval. Your lender can investigate your assets and present you with all available options to ensure you are in the best position to get your offer accepted.

* Specific loan program availability and requirements may vary. Please get in touch with your mortgage advisor for more information.

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